Anam Fatima

Carpe Librum

Anam Fatima

the small print

  • Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar

    I have the habit of reading more than one book at a time — sometimes five or six. Occasionally, I chance upon books that overlap each other greatly in philosophy or premise. The reading then becomes both an exciting and enlightening pursuit, to actively seek a common thread between two or more texts.  Sylvia Plath’s…

  • From Ernest Hemingway’s interview in The Paris Review, Spring 1958

    INTERVIEWER: Could you say something of this process? When do you work? Do you keep to a strict schedule?  HEMINGWAY: When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and…

  • 6 Learning from Alan Watt’s Tao: The Watercourse Way.

    Over the past few years, I had become increasingly obsessed with the idea of belonging. Having denounced religion early in life, I realised its psychological repercussions only later. I realised I wasn’t fully prepared to navigate the world without the idea of a supreme being, and unquestioning faith in the doings of one. Perhaps that’s…

  • Ruskin Bond’s Confessions of a Book Lover

    When I first saw Bangalore, in the spring of 1960, it was a town of wide streets, bungalows, gardens, parks and small waterbodies.  Confessions of a Book Lover I had recently quit my job in Delhi; the job I wanted so bad that I had left no stone unturned to get it—the ideal job. In…